Back Online

It's been a little over two months without an internet connection at home and I must admit it was really hard. Moving house twice since mid-May was stressful, but not having the ability to check your email, do your banking, read your friends' blogs or even look at your favourite photography web-site was really tough.

Now, that's all in the past! I'm back! With a vengeance. I got my new telephone line installed last week and on Friday my ADSL started working, so I'm enjoying my first weekend after two months with a proper 8-Mbit ADSL connection :-)

Now, I'm off to read Zaf's blog. His first couple of stories, especially the retro game one, look very promising...


Unknown said…
Was about time, too.
vpapanik said…
I was really worried about you ! Welcome back :) :)
vpapanik said…
Did you mean "back offline" ? where the hell are you again ?

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