GetDIBits vs. Scanline vs. Pixels[] in Delphi Bitmaps
I've been always wanting to sit down one day and solve this problem; test the speed of manipulating pixels on a Bitmap using the three options: - the convenient but understandably slow Pixels[], - the "interesting" Scanline property and - the Windows API GetDIBits and SetDIBits. I have been traditionally using Pixels for quick work and the Get/SetDIBits for low-level pixel manipulation such as the filters used in ToolBox . Never really used the Scanline property in anger, I was always thinking, DIBits "had" to be quicker. Little I knew... I have been experimenting with two tools that I've written and never released to the public domain. The first is the BMPCreator which I wrote in order to create 256-level grayscale bitmaps, the other is the IconCreator which uses a grayscale bitmap and applies color maps to it, giving you the ability to create different colored versions of the same icon (like in my database visualization tool VirtualTreeNavigator ). Yesterd...