Flight Simulator X

Downloaded the demo a couple of weeks ago and I wasn't impressed to be honest, however since I really like that occassional flight I decided I should go and get the latest version of FS especially since my computer can now afford this kind of "load".

I wasn't wrong. Despite a BSOD that I got when I tried to install it on Vista, FSX is a real treat on WinXP. Everything seems to be working ok, I haven't seen any problems with the two monitor setup or graphics that I have experienced with the demo. Good work beta testers! :-)

I remember the first Flight Simulator that I played in some awful 640x200 graphics probably 20-25 years ago (Check out the history of Flight Simulator here - wikipedia). Since then I probably tried a couple of more versions, never put much effort into it. When I came to England in 2000, MS FS 2000 was out featuring the Concorde! I bought a copy and I remember that I enjoyed it a lot. I also remember flying from Leros to Kos on a Cessna in the middle of the night! Such fun!

Hence, I decided to give Flight Simulator X a go. The graphics seemed amazing in the demo. What is more, FS it's always a good test for a new computer :-) Here I go then.

The installation required 15Gb on my hard disk! That is impressive for an operating system, let alone a game.

I have already landed a Piper in Leros and a Cessna in Thessaloniki. My Airbus A321 trip from SKG to Kuala Lumpur was interrupted by... dinner, so I'm now looking for shorter flights. ;-) Anyway, that's my second post today so I might as well stop here and go back to flying!


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